How long he'll be able to do so is a moot point. 不知道他还能这样做多久。
There were no telephones in the rooms in any case, so the denial of room numbers was something of a moot point. 任何情况下,客房里都不会有电话机,所以拒不提供房号也就没有什么实际意义了。
REST does not include any direct way of adding infrastructure extensions& but until SOAP really starts to deliver on such extensions, this limitation can be seen as a moot point. REST并不包含任何直接添加基础结构扩展的方法&但在SOAP真正开始提供此类扩展前,此限制都可以被视为无足轻重的方面。
If you've been fired because of some horrible offense, this may be a moot point. 即使他们真的活该被你骂,也不要这样做。
It is a moot point whether this is against the provisions of the EU treaties and the ECB statute. 此举是否有违欧盟条约及欧洲央行章程的条款,目前尚无定论。
I don't know if it was a ghost she saw, or if it were someone who could climb like an orangutan, but it's all a moot point now. 我不知道坎迪是不是看见了鬼,或者有人能像猩猩那样爬上楼去,总之一切都没有定论。
It's a moot point whether the chicken or the egg came first. 讨论鸡生蛋还是蛋生鸡,毫无意义。
But how long this will continue is a moot point. 但这种状况能持续多久仍有待讨论。
Whether the appetite for income generating mutual funds is long lasting and indicative of changing investor behaviour is a moot point. 投资者对收入型共同基金的兴趣能否持续,以及这是否表明投资者行为的改变,这并不重要。
Hopefully it's a moot point. 希望是个没解决的问题。
Whether investors understand the principles of diversification or not remains a moot point. 对于投资者是否了解多元化原则,目前尚不清楚。
Whether Shakespeare actually wrote the poem remains a moot point among critics. 这首诗是否出自莎翁之笔有待商榷。
It is a moot point which issue is most important. 究竟哪一个问题最重要是有争议的。
Whether this transformation is a good or a bad thing is something of a moot point& it's coming, and sooner than you think. 这种转变是好还是不好,毫无意义&事情正在发生,而且比你想象的要快。
And whether individual cases of applying mathematical history can be extended to other teachers, schools or other levels is a moot point. Those are urgent problems to be solved in HPM research. 个别数学史应用的案例能否推广到其他教师、其他学校或其他学习层次还无定论,这是现阶段HPM研究亟待解决的问题。